Adrian Age is no barrier to great health – 52 and thriving! The Story At 52 years young, Adrian Buceto, affectionately known as Boo, epitomises the philosophy that ‘age is just a number.’ Driven by a love for challenges, Boo approached DARE. with a singular goal—to become the best version of himself in 2023. Despite…
MoreJULIAN RDL 30kg 70kg BB Back Squat 57.5kg 72.5kg Lat Pulldown 47kg 63.5kg The Story Julian came to DARE. with the goal of getting leaner and stronger.He has been committed to his training, and nutrition and the results are showing. His skin is now clear, his posture has improved and his strength is the highest…
MoreTOM Starting body fat 24.2% End body fat 19.4% Total body fat loss 4.8% Starting Weight 75kg End Weight 67.6kg Total weight loss 7.4kg The Story Progress so far for Tom, 9 weeks: Tom originally came to DARE. due to a recommendation from his sister who also trains at DARE. The initial goal was to…
MoreIlan Starting body fat 25% End body fat 14.2% Total body fat loss 10.3% Starting Weight 66.3kg End Weight 56.2kg Total weight loss 10.1kg The Story 10-12 weeks and some major setbacks, but a great result overall for DARE. client Ilan. The goal was to reduce his body fat percentage and build a solid foundation…
MoreLynnie Starting Weight 110kg End Body Weight 57kg Total Weight loss 53kg Squat: BW up to 30kg Trap Bar Deadlift: 35kg up to 55kg The Story Lynnie is living proof of what you can achieve, an inspiration to so many! Lynnie lights up the DARE. Studio every time she is present, such a wonderful human…
MoreADAM Adam started at 91.8kg and at the time of this photo 72.8kg (19kg loss).He was suffering from severe knee and shoulder pain which limited his ability to play basketball and move about day-to-day pain-free. The Story “I can’t recommend DARE enough! Their personally tailored programs go beyond the gym. They will mentor you into…
Bronny Meet Dare client, Bronny Lane! Bronny came to Dare after a stressful three years of lockdowns, work pressures and gaining weight.She had some previous fitness training experience but it was often haphazard, and she didn’t know if she was doing the right exercises for her body.This meant she missed sessions, her routine lacked structure and…
Carol Starting body fat 13% End body fat 3.5% Total body fat loss 9.5% Starting Weight 64kg End Weight 59kg Total weight loss 5kg The Story Carol came to coach Luke with very limited weight training experience, only around 6 months. Her background was in athletics in her early years and later in life she…
Esa Starting body fat 23.4% End body fat 13.5% Total body fat loss 9.9% Starting Weight 77.2kg End Weight 69.1kg Total weight loss 8.1kg Please note this was an 11 week transformation The Story Esa came to coach Luke with already a sound training background. His experience in powerlifting was a huge advantage as he…
Mel After 16 weeks with Dare Head Coach Luke Walker, she lost 7.6 kg and dropped 6.2 % BF. She also lost had a 20 cm reduction in waist girth measurements. The Story Mel was extremely frustrated after many failed attempts to lose weight. She had just completed 12 weeks of group training without dropping…