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Imagine never using the bathroom scales again

By Jeremy Evans
Dare Coach

You step onto the bathroom scales – the number is the same. You think to yourself, “how can this be?!”  

A spiral ensues.  

Obsessing over a single number that doesn’t give you any nuance in your data or health can be disheartening and demotivating.  

Time and time again our members tell us that they either hate stepping on the scale for fear of it not changing in the direction they want or they are tired of feeling bad when they see it hasn’t budged or it’s gone up. 

If your goal is to improve your body composition via a decrease in total body fat or an increase in lean muscle mass, tracking your weight is important. However, your total body weight is, relative to the complete picture, a very small part. And it’s so small, in fact, it often prevents us from seeing how we are actually moving towards our goals. 

So, we think it’s time to get off the not very merry-go-round!  

At Dare Studio we understand that what gets tracked accurately gets managed accurately. We’re on a mission to ensure our members are empowered with insightful and empowering data that can support their journey. That’s why every Dare member has the option to use our state of the art body assessment technology – Styku. 

Styku helps our members start and carry on their journey with confidence. That confidence comes from knowing the individual parts that make up the whole number and seeing the trends over time. Sustainable results take time. Styku gives you insight into your lean mass, your bone density, your body fat percentage and it does it quickly and accurately.   

Gone are the days of manual, intrusive and sometimes very inaccurate caliper tests. Styku gives fast and objective data that your coach can instantly give you feedback on. With the data from Styku our coaches can write more effective plans and give you insight with key lifestyle changes that will help you progress. Styku even helps our coaches understand where you may have muscular imbalances. 

And with all of these amazing benefits, the icing on the (gluten free) cake is – getting off the bathroom scales once and for all.  

Imagine never using the bathroom scales again…this could be one of the most liberating things you can do in your health and fitness journey. 

Book a scan here or for more information contact us on 1800 032 738 or email

Woman on a Body Assessment Technology - Styku
Styku Scanning Result Before and After Training