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15 Of The Best Personal Trainers in the World


15 Of The Best Personal Trainers in the World The best personal trainers in the world work inside DARE, obviously. But when you’re on your fitness journey it can be helpful to follow other influential personal trainers online who can offer advice, motivation and inspiration.  The best personal trainers in the world all have their…

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If you’re searching “strength training for beginners” we have good news for you. As a beginner, you’re going to make gains a lot more easily than those who have been training for years. In this sense, you have an advantage! The start of a training journey can be really fun, as you gain muscle and…

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Gym goals: Bodybuilding, health, mindset or all of the above?


When it comes to achieving your desired physique, having a clear goal is essential. People often come to DARE with a goal of “weight loss”, but underlying that is actually a slightly different desire. Often one to “tone up” aka build muscle. We see every type of person. From bodybuilders to weight loss enthusiasts and…

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Packed with flavour and nutrients, the humble sweet potato has been making waves in the fitness world for its versatility and health benefits.  From its vibrant colourful flesh to its countless ways of preparation, the sweet potato is a must-try for food enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals alike. Types of sweet potato When it comes to…

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Weight loss: The ultimate guide to losing weight healthily


Weight loss is one of the most searched goals on Google in the whole of Australia right now. Many of us want to lose weight, and yet so few of us seem to be able to actually do it. Embarking on a weight loss journey can often feel daunting and overwhelming. With so much information…

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3 Fat Loss Tips To Move The Needle: Nutrition Focus


Ready for the 3 tips that we believe can make the most change when trying to lose fat? Coach Luke zooms in on the nutrition tips that he believes can make the most change. A food journal is a great self reflection tool to understand your own habits, patterns and behaviours. Only when we have…

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The Truth About Quick Weight Loss Diets: Why They Almost Always Fail


Looking for a New Year Diet? It’s great that you’re trying to pick up some healthy habits in 2024! But remember, there is no quick fix. We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but most quick weight loss diets fail. In the constant quest for quick weight loss, many people turn to fad…

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What Is Body Recomposition?


You may have heard the term ‘body recomposition’ and wondered what it means. Body recomposition is usually the goal of anyone going on a diet, starting to lift weights, increasing their exercise or trying to ‘lose weight’. That said, most people are unaware of what the term means and how it’s such an important part…

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What Makes Our Bentleigh East Gym Unique?


Looking for a gym near Bentleigh East?  The Bentleigh, Brighton and Bayside areas are spoilt for choice when it comes to gyms, but Dare Training takes a completely different approach and goes beyond the conventional gym set up to deliver real results. We offer a deeply considered and tailored approach to one-on-one training, with a…

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Does Strength Training Help You Lose Weight?


Many clients come to us asking “does strength training help you lose weight?” The answer is yes – strength training is an important part of any health and exercise plan, and can be a powerful tool when trying to lose weight.  Not only does it help build muscle, but when combined with a nutrition plan…

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Imagine never using the bathroom scales again


You step onto the bathroom scales – the number is the same. You think to yourself, “how can this be?!”   A spiral ensues.   Obsessing over a single number that doesn’t give you any nuance in your data or health can be disheartening and demotivating.   Time and time again our members tell us…

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Nutrition Tips for A Healthier YOU


There is so much conflicting nutritional information these days it’s hard to know what to do or who to trust. Many of us end up confused or worse doing nothing or looking for convenience and what is easy. This approach doesn’t always serve us best. There is no best “diet” or nutritional approach. The best…

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