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Anti-Aging benefits from Strength training

By David Ottobre
Dare MD

One of the best kept secrets is finally out of the bag.

Being physically fit, especially through strength training, improves blood and oxygen circulation throughout the body providing essential nutrients to our organs, including our largest organ-the skin. These nutrients drastically reduce our aging. It also has a favourable influence on self-image, self-esteem, and depression. This suggests that strength training not only makes us look younger but FEEL younger as well. As mentioned before, strength training and anti-aging really can correlate!

Current research has demonstrated that proper strength-training exercises can combat weakness and frailty. Done regularly (e.g., 2 to 3 days per week), these exercises build muscle strength, muscle mass and preserve bone density.

Key Points to Consider:

Exercise and eating well are always beneficial, especially as you age. But strength training specifically can help combat many of the physical problems associated with aging, specifically:

  1. It helps keep your muscles strong, giving greater mobility
  2. It helps keep your bones strong, also helping to avoid the risk of fractures that lead to injury
  3. It speeds up your metabolism and increases your energy
  4. It helps you maintain a physically attractive appearance
  5. It improves your brain function

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that strength training is only for body builders. Strength training is good for everyone, and the sooner you get started, the greater the benefit. But it’s never too late.

But don’t forget: Technique is everything.

This is a weighty matter, because if you don’t learn to lift consciously, with awareness of your breath, posture, core, and limitations, you can strain a muscle or tear a tendon.

Metabolic Process -Literally burn fat while we are sleeping

Weight-bearing exercise increases hormonal release as we engage fast-twitch and super-fast-twitch muscle fibres anaerobically. As a result, human growth hormone (HGH), testosterone, and other key hormone recruitment is improved. Weight-bearing exercise – or more specifically anaerobic exercise – takes advantage of something called the “hormonal effect of exercise,” helping us to increase our metabolism and literally burn fat while we are sleeping!!

Dr. Cooper, the father of Aerobics, has come full circle, now recognizing that as we age we need more and more weight-strength training exercises. Cooper recognizes that up to age 50, people lose about 4% of their strength and muscle mass per decade. After age 50, the loss increases to about 10% per decade. By age 60, the average person will have lost about one-third of his or her muscle mass—UNLESS we reverse the process through resistance exercise and weight training.